Thursday, January 27, 2011

AH YEAH! Cabs here, T-shirt time!

I've honestly seen the show maybe 1.5 times... and not a full episodes, just small bits here and there. But if you don't know what I'm referring to. I'm talking about "Jersey Shore". The newest season has set the record for the most viewed cable TV Season Premiere in history. (And for being in standard definition, that's not bad at all.) We had a PACKED house this last weekend when we had DJ Pauly D doing a guest DJ set at Silk the Club. The wait to get in was wrapping down the stair case, and out into the casino Valet. VIP was sold out, and the guest list was passing the 5000 person marker. The Venue alone only holds 1600! With huge crowds in the club, the security was holding the crowd control guard up to keep the fans from rushing the stage. I was able to squeeze by the mayhem and was able to grab a few shots before the night was done.

Here is one of the shots that I was most stoked about. Enjoy!

DJ Pauly D in the mix

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